Delaney had a chest x ray Friday which showed that her heart may be enlarged. The concern is that her little heart is having to work extra hard to pump extra blood to all the blood vessels that make up the mass in her liver. The doctor had a cardiologist look at the xray and he said he did not think it was enough of a change to do anything right now but we were told to be aware of certain symptoms at home that could indicate it getting worse and heart failure.
Delaney is still on her steroids but we had to decrease the dose because she was retaining a lot of fluid and this was causing her blood pressure to be high. At this last visit her blood pressure was back to normal. The mass in her liver does not feel like it is getting any bigger, but she is scheduled for an MRI in 3 weeks to check and make sure. This will also tell us how it is affecting her other organs. If the mass has not gotten smaller and if it doesn't continue to shrink, the doctors are concerned this could put a lot of stress on her heart so they spoke with us about the possibility of starting high dose chemotherapy to help shrink it faster.
And if that wasn't enough... today she had her 4 month visit with her pediatrician. He is concerned about a crease I noticed on the top of her bottom and so we have to have an ultrasound done to see if it is a type of spina bifida. AND ... yes there's more... she also has to be evaluated by a physical therapist because her little head is not symmetrical and he said she may need to be fitted for a special helmet.
SO please continue to pray for little Delaney. I try to believe that God will not give us more than we can handle but it is difficult to watch our innocent little baby go through so much.
This picture is my new favorite. This is the face she makes when she is cooing and trying to talk.