We made the trip to Stanford Thursday night for Delaney's MRI Friday morning. Oh, what a trip! We left Thurs. night after I got off work and ended up there at about 1am. Then we were up to feed Delaney at 5am and headed off to the hospital. Her MRI went well. A lot quicker this time and she woke up faster too. This picture is of her waking up. And it looks like she's eating, but no don't let her fool you. The nurses found out quickly how sneaky she is when they turned around she would pull off the leads to her heart monitor and stuff them in her mouth! Crazy girl. After she woke up they watched her for about half an hour then we were on our way to see her hematologist at the clinic. At this point Delaney started getting fussy, and still wouldn't eat so they gave her some Tylenol to see of that would help. From there we were on our way home. Delaney cried/coughed/gagged/choked the whole way home! She was in pain from the tube being down her throat when they sedated her for the MRI and she wouldn't swallow or eat. By the time we got home she was congested and panting to breathe and hadn't eaten anything in over 15 hours. We called the hematologist on call at Stanford and she said to take her to the ER. So we loaded back into the car and went to the ER where she was admitted right away. She had a chest x ray, some Motrin, some lidocaine to numb her throat, and a breathing treatment. Finally around midnight she was able to eat a few ounces and fell asleep with her oxygen mask on:) The Dr. said it was probably irritation from the breathing tube, but she sounded better and seemed comfortable so he let us go home around 1am. Longest day ever!
Delaney is doing much better now. She woke up the next morning talking in her raspy voice and ate like normal!
We received the results of Delaney's MRI yesterday evening. The Dr. said her mass has shrunk by 1 cm, which is good news, but it is still very large. She is not sure if it is the medication that is causing it to shrink, or just Delaney growing so we are going to continue to decrease her steroids. The steroids are what cause her huge cheeks and puffy face, and make her retain a lot of fluid. So, we continue to pray her mass will shrink! The MRI of her spine was normal. They were concerned about spina bifida, but there was nothing there. Also, she has been going to physical therapy and it was decided she will not need to wear a helmet. Thank God! If you know Delaney you know 23 hours in a helmet would not be easy.
So in the end it looks like things are headed in the right direction! We appreciate all the prayers and support! Delaney's next appointment is in 1 month.