I know it has been forever since the last post! The holidays always have a way making life a little extra busy... at least that is my excuse:) Well, today is Delaney's 8 month birthday! We kicked off the day by visiting the pediatrician. Delaney wore her new red lady bug pea coat of course:) Luckily for her no shots this time. She is still on high doses of steroids and she can't get any of her vaccinations yet because she wouldn't be able to build immunity. Overall it was an easy visit. Delaney did well she only cried a little... no screaming this time. His biggest concern is her growth. She is now 3% for weight and less than 3% for height. He recommended we see an endocrinologist who might have some insight into how the steroids are affecting her growth. We go back to Stanford next week so this is something we will have to mention to the hematologist. Lately Delaney's favorite things are rolling around, snorting like a pig, licking her books, yes licking not reading, sleeping in her crib, skyping with grammy and paw paw and flying with Daddy. She thinks that is she kicks her little legs it makes her go. So funny. She now has four teeth! Two little bottom teeth and two giant top teeth with just the corners popping out.