I know it's been forever since I updated the blog!! Our lives have been a little busy with summer travels and of course the big move... don't worry I will dedicate an entire blog entry to the move. For now I just wanted to share a few pictures of our family beach trip and Laney's first Trip to the beach! We had lots of fun, stayed in a cute house about a block from the beach in downtown Cayucos. Along with Laney's first trip to the beach came Laney's first time with the stomach flu. Not fun! She threw up ALL night and cried and looked at me like what the heck is going on?? I'm trying to sleep! My poor baby. The next day she slowly became her normal wiggly busy self so we went to Moro Bay and explored. That night Laney threw up again! But only a few times...and then auntie Jen got sick...then uncle Jonny got sick... ewww hopefully next year we can leave that part of the trip out! Other than that Laney LOVES the ocean she wasn't scared of the water at all even though it was freezing!! She wanted to stand with her toes in the sand and let the waves wash up to her feet... but her legs are a little short so the waves ended up washing up to her diaper... haha. She loves the birds... ate a little sand...collected seaweed sticks and rocks...dug a hole with her shovel... and went on the swings! What a fun trip!