Saturday, September 11, 2010

Dallas Zoo

Last weekend Grandma and auntie Jen Jen came for a visit and we went to the Dallas zoo! It was a little warm but we got to see some of Laney's favorite animals. Her fav was the old camel that a mad just walked around in a circle and gave kids rides. She liked it because it kept chewing and sticking its teeth out so she kept sticking her teeth funny. And of course she cried when we all got bored and walked away. We also saw giraffes eating leaves. She sticks her tongue out now like she's eating leaves whenever she sees or hears giraffe. We also saw monkeys and she talked to them in her monkey voice, and elephants with loooong noses. And then there was the ghost of the bayou an albino crocodile ...ewww!

She's so smart! She knows the elephant has a long nose
In her stroller with her "wa wa"
Grandma and auntie jen jen

Friday, September 10, 2010

Poor Laney!

So now that Laney thinks she has mastered walking, she has started running. Its more like a wobbly out of control burst of momentum that usually ends with all fours on the floor. I knew sooner or later she wouldnt listen to me say "walk" or "careful" or "slow down Laney you're going to bonk your bonker"... and that day happened last week. Yes, Laney bonked her bonker. She was running in her room towards the window and tripped. She landed forehead first on the windowsill. It was so loud! My poor baby...:( Right away a HUGE bruise appeared and it just started to grow bigger and bigger!! I tried to put ice on it but of course she wouldnt let me. Poor baby!! As she calmed down I snapped a quick picture. You might be thinking how cruel!! But I didnt take it to remember the moment...believe me I'd rather forget. It was the nurse in me that made me do it! I wanted to take a picture so I would have something to compare it to. If it got bigger, smaller darker, redder, or changed at all I could look back at the pic and see. So, on that note I present Laney's first walking related injury... :(