My little Laney loves to stick out her tongue... and this picture proves it! It has been a while since we updated the blog... so here's the latest. Laney's last Stanford appt was a couple weeks ago. She was such a big girl! It was the first time she didn't cry at her appointment!! She played with the Dr.'s stethoscope and even showed her piggy face. She now weighs 15lbs 9oz at 11 mos... so she continues to be well below the growth curve. But she is growing so we will continue her calcium and vitamin supplements. The doctor can still feel the mass and it doesn't feel like it has changed since stopping the steroids a few months ago. We were hoping that it would continue to shrink after stopping the steroids. So the plan is for another MRI in May. Not fun.
Speaking of not fun, on the way home from our trip we had an interesting adventure. We stopped at Harris Ranch to feed Laney. Garrett climbed in the backseat to get her out of her car seat and I hear, "What's that on your face?" I froze. Yep sure enough it was poop. A major blowout. And there she was sitting happy in her car seat her paci in her mouth with poop streaks on her face and her hand gently kneading a pile of poop that had somehow shot out the side of her diaper. We just stood there staring at her for a while not even knowing where to start. After some maneuvering we sat her down in the trunk while we cleaned the carseat. She rolled around in the trunk naked and giggling thinking it was the funniest thing ever. For us it was funny (we couldn't help but laugh) and gross.
On a lighter note:) we are planning Delaney's first birthday party!! The theme is lady bugs, or "Laney Bugs" as we call them. Can't wait to see her face when she eats her first cake!
I want an update on laney bug please :) hehe. I love her! and you!