We are in the process of organizing and saving our photos over the last year or so. As we looked through them we were so surprised at the pictures of Laney. A year ago Delaney was on her highest dose of steroids... she was a fussy eater, was retaining water, not gaining weight, and had high blood pressure. Most of which were side effects from the steroids. Her face was so swollen she couldn't close her mouth and the skin on her cheeks was so tight it was starting to crack. Now fast forward to the present, a year later... our beautiful baby girl is happy... strong willed, but happy:), off all her meds, she eats, and she has finally hit 20 lbs! She is still only in the 8th percentile for weight, but 60th for head circumference! (that explains her balance issues:). I look at these photos with mixed emotions... I won't list them all... it's pretty much every emotion, but mostly gratitude. To God for allowing us to be her parents, and continuing to heal her body, to friends and family for all their prayers and support, and of course to Laney for loving us.
November 2009...
November 2010! (this is what she does when we say "smile")
ohhh I love and miss her very much! She couldn't have asked for better parents! You guys are amazing and I love you so much...she is a very special little girl :)